Correlation in stata
Correlation in stata

correlation in stata

Weight | 99.2858 -2.91236 90.4648 1757.94Ĭovariances are not bound to fall in the range of -1 to 1, and depend on both how much the variables vary together and how much they vary overall. If you want covariances instead, add the cov option:Ĭor sei10 educ height weight, cov (obs=114) Multivariate regression allows us to explore that possibility. On the other hand, given that education and height are positively correlated and height and weight are strongly positively correlated, this raises the possibility that education and weight might have a stronger negative relationship if we could control for height. The correlation between weight and education is essentially zero, but the negative number indicates that people with higher levels of education are likely to have lower levels of weight.

correlation in stata

We cannot tell from these results whether high socioeconomic status causes people to grow taller or being tall causes people to have higher socioeconomic status (both can be true, and there's evidence for both theories), or if something else causes people to both grow taller and have higher socioeconomic status. Keep in mind that correlation does not imply causation. 2466, is weaker, but it's interesting that its positive at all. The correlation between socioeconomic status and height. This shows that the correlation between socioeconomic status and education is. They are given in the form of a matrix, but only half of the matrix is shown because it is symmetric: (obs=114) This gives you the correlations between the respondent's socioeconomic status, years of education, height, and weight. List the variables you want correlations for after the command. The correlate command, often abbreviated cor, calculates correlations. If you plan on applying what you learn directly to your homework, create a similar do file but have it load the data set used for your assignment. Then create a do file called in that folder that loads the GSS sample as described in Doing Your Work Using Do Files. If you plan to carry out the examples in this article, make sure you've downloaded the GSS sample to your U:\SFS folder as described in Managing Stata Files. Variables which are independent will have a correlation of zero, but variables which are related but not in a linear way can also have a correlation of zero. A negative correlation coefficient means they tend to move in opposite directions: observations with a high value for one variable are likely to have a low value for the other.

correlation in stata correlation in stata

The larger the coefficient the stronger the relationship. A positive correlation coefficient means the two variables tend to move together: an observation which has a high value for one variable is likely to have a high variable for the other, and vice versa. You can calculate correlations for categorical variables and the results you get will sometimes point you in the right direction, but there are better ways to describe relationships involving categorical variables.Ĭorrelation coefficients range from -1 to 1. It can only perfectly measure linear relationships, but a linear relationship will serve as a first approximation to many other kinds of relationships. If you are new to Stata we strongly recommend reading all the articles in the Stata Basics section.Ĭorrelations are a measure of how strongly related two quantitative variables are. This article is part of the Stata for Students series.

Correlation in stata